Must watch video! Lexi Belle takes a huge, gooey facial! vr porn videos

I think, on a list of Top Ten Days in the Life of MrPOV, the day I got to work with Lexi ranks right at the top. WOW! Lexi Belle! Did you hear her on Howard Stern recently? She did this game where two couples competed to bang her. Kinda like the The Dating Game, only the winner got Lexi. Does this make me a winner? Well, I dunno if I'd go that far, but damn I had a blast banging her POV style. I think you guys are gonna have no trouble at all imaging you're me when Lexi looks at your with her beautiful eyes and talks dirty directly to you! She's cute. She's petite. She's blonde. She's flawless. She's Lexi Belle, and she's one of the biggest Porn Stars working today, and she's about as good as it gets. Trust me. Now I know. Do I have to tell you -- again -- how lucky I am??

Duration:15 min
Tags: lexi belle romantic sex
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